The Scopes of Physiotherapy
To practice physiotherapy in New Zealand, you must be registered and hold a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC) with the Physiotherapy Board (the Board).
Physiotherapists can obtain registration under the following scopes of practice:
- General Scope of Practice: Physiotherapist
- Advanced Practice Physiotherapist Scope of Practice: Physiotherapist
- Specialist Scope of Practice: Physiotherapist
General Scope of Practice: Physiotherapist
Physiotherapists provide person and whānau-centred healthcare and work with people and populations to develop, maintain, restore, optimise, and understand health and function throughout the lifespan. Physiotherapists identify and maximise quality of life and movement potential encompassing physical, psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Physiotherapists should also be cognisant of Māori health models. Physiotherapists provide evidence-informed care as autonomous practitioners.
Physiotherapists may practise in a variety of contexts depending on their educational preparation and practice experience. The practice of physiotherapy is not confined to clinical practice and encompasses all roles that a physiotherapist may assume including health management, research, policy making, educating, and consulting, wherever there may be an issue of public health and safety.
Gazette Notice dated 1 March 2022
Advanced Practice Physiotherapist Scope of Practice: Physiotherapist
Advanced Practice Physiotherapists (APPs) have advanced education, clinical training and demonstrated competence to practise clinically beyond the level of a general scope physiotherapist in a specified vocational area. APPs manage or lead episodes of care in partnership with health consumers, their whānau and other health professionals.
APPs combine advanced physiotherapy knowledge and skills with advanced clinical reasoning to provide person and whānau-centred healthcare. APPs provide advanced assessment and management interventions such as triage for specialist clinics and second opinions for complex cases.
As APPs, they work across healthcare settings, influence health service delivery and the wider profession, and are involved in mentoring, supervision, teaching, or research
Gazette Notice dated 1 March 2022
Specialist Scope of Practice: Physiotherapy Specialist
Physiotherapy specialists are expert physiotherapists who have advanced education, knowledge and demonstrated competence to practise beyond the level of an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist in a specified vocational area. Physiotherapy specialists provide person and whānau-centred healthcare to manage the most complex, difficult or critical patient presentations in their area of practice, often as a point of expert review, opinion or referral.
Physiotherapy specialists demonstrate leadership in consultancy, education and research. Physiotherapy specialists work collaboratively with the physiotherapy profession and within the wider health system. Physiotherapy specialists utilise their physiotherapy knowledge and expertise to actively participate and take a leadership role in professional activities, including local and national strategy and policy development.
Gazette Notice dated 1 March 2022