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Auckland University of Technology – School of Physiotherapy

Auckland University of Technology, School of Physiotherapy is accredited by the Physiotherapy Board for the purpose of delivering physiotherapy education and awarding the qualifications of:

  • Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy)
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours)

This accreditation is in accordance with the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 and is valid until 31 May 2031.


  • Master of Physiotherapy Practice

This accreditation includes the following conditions:

2.2 Quality improvement processes use student, health consumer, tangata whenua, and other evaluations, internal and external academic and professional peer reviews to improve the programme.

Condition: Evidence of student/staff/external provider feedback and any changes to the programme instigated in response to this feedback to be included in the second Annual Monitoring Report for the programme.

2.4 Mechanisms exist for responding within the curriculum to contemporary developments in health professional education.

Condition: Evidence of student/staff/external stakeholder input into the curriculum and any changes to the programme instigated in response to this feedback to be included in the second Annual Monitoring Report for the programme.

3.6 Graduates are competent in research literacy for the level and type of programme.

Condition: Evidence of a sample of student assessments to be provided in the third Annual Monitoring Report for the programme.

3.14 The physiotherapy programme design complies with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority or equivalent national framework.

Condition: Evidence of NZQA approval to be provided in the first Annual Monitoring Report for the programme.

4.6 Students are represented within the deliberative and decision-making processes for the programme.

Condition: Evidence of student representation within the student forums to be included in the first Annual Monitoring Report for the programme.

4.8 There is support and encouragement of Māori recruitment, admission, participation, and completion of programme of study.

Condition: Evidence of the specific consideration given to the recruitment and admission of Māori peoples to the Master of Physiotherapy Practice to be included in the first Annual Monitoring Report for the programme

This accreditation is in accordance with the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 and is valid until 31 December 2028.