Thank you to all the physiotherapists who took the time to engage with us at your recent PNZ conference.
The Board members and Board staff at the conference were delighted with the interest in what we do, how we do it and the main areas of current Board focus. It was a great conference and we thoroughly enjoyed being there with you. There were loads of conversations and our key take home messages include:
- a collective concern over complaints and the increase in conduct matters;
- a strong message to the Board to take a risk approach to finding ways to proactively address the trends in complaints;
- significant interest in the physiotherapy specialist scope, and
- there were no concerns over the time taken to process registration applications for internationally qualified physiotherapists.
These conversations were very valuable and timely as the Board is commencing a revision of the Strategic Plan, rolling out the Standards Framework and developing our work plan for the coming years.
Thank you and we look forward to your continued input.
Janice Mueller (Chairperson) and Jeanette Woltman-Black (Chief Executive / Acting Registrar)