Level Alert
As you will be aware the Prime Minister has announced New Zealand is now at Level 3 for COVID-19 alert, Restrict – Heightened risk that disease is not contained.
The Prime Minister has also announced New Zealand’s COVID-19 alert will increase to Level 4 at 11:59 pm Wednesday 25 March, Eliminate – Likely that disease is not contained. Measures needed locally and nationally include:
- People instructed to stay home
- Educational facilities closed
- Businesses closed except for essential services
- Rationing of supplies and requisitioning of facilities
- Travel severely limited
- Major reprioritisation of healthcare services.
Therefore the Physiotherapy Board and Physiotherapy New Zealand require all non-essential services to be suspended immediately to reduce community spread. This includes yourself, your staff and your patients.
The Physiotherapy Board and Physiotherapy New Zealand require all non- essential physiotherapy services to meet all applicable Level 4 measures by Wednesday 25 March.
What this means for you
Physiotherapists employed by District Health Boards (DHBs and other hospitals)
The requirements for your service and practice will be under the direction of your employer. Please follow their advice.
All other Physiotherapists
(primary, community, workplace based, private i.e. all non – DHB settings)Under Alert Level 4 you are no longer able to provide any face to face, clinic based or direct services.
You must close your clinic, remove yourself from the setting that you are working in and go home.
You can, if able to, provide electronic (telemedicine, Zoom, Skype, Facetime, phone call) services to your patients (within contractual requirements). Clinical records must be maintained recording that the consultation was via whatever means.
The Allied health best practice guide for telehealth is here
The Board’s telehealth standard is here |